Hey, my apologies on the length of time between posts. It’s been a very busy few months adjusting to full time teaching and also getting some travel in to France and Crete. We have had workshops with SGM Danny Guba, Gruo Alec Morris and Guro Jamie Berry in the last few months as well.
I travelled to Paris with my Mantis Kung Fu family in May and we had a great time teaching, training and socialising with students from across the world. We had attendees from England, Scotland, Greece, South America, Germany and of course France training Spear and Empty hands under the tutelage of Grandmaster Lee Lam Wing and Master Derek Frearson.
It’s very valuable to immerse yourself in the study over a day or a weekend or even longer. Take advantage of seminars, workshops and training camps when you can and it will accelerate your skills and understanding.
Our next big trip is Hong Kong and China in November and we have several workshops currently in the planning stage at the Newcastle club. Keep you eyes peeled.